Being a motorcyclist and photographer has its advantages. You enjoy the bike and photograph friends and everything else you see. These experiences are not only on our memory, but we can also share with others passionate Motorcyclists like us.
“Even idols like Gualtiero Tognocchi needed that little push from time to time to get the bike running!! Edson Lobo / Motostory
Motostory comes exactly to allow us the access to these records and I’m sure that, like me, a lot of people will flip their chest to find old photos.
“Looking today, Interlagos’s past motorcycle races were unbelievable, amateurish, almost zero security, but it was worth the effort of the organizers like Eloy Gogliano. In my memory, this photo is dated 1969, but Denisio Casarini told Carlãozinho that it is older. Can anybody help us? ” Edson Lobo / Motostory
I only apologize for not remembering all the dates, years and places, because memory betrays us, but the friends will surely help us to remember.
“In 1971, we had a group that was getting bigger and bigger, and we gathered at Rua Augusta, in São Paulo, every night. On Saturday the group was even a little larger and we went out to mess up at night. As the helmet was not compulsory, the mess was seen by everyone and we were easily recognized . ” Edson Lobo / Motostory
“I always remember one of the first motorcycle (scooters) races I saw, I think it was in Araraquara, SP, with Edgar Soares pulling the line before the start. Edson Lobo / Motostory
Edson Lobo, Motostory Ambassador, Journalist and Photographer with a Marketing background!